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Data Matrix:. Complete data is available presenting value to all states and months 1789-2012, (800.000 values) MaxRange Free sample( Data presented 2011-12, 1982, 1952, 1922, 1892, 1862, 1832, 1802) Tendens Tendens: Graphic line showing average democratic value of all states 1900-2012) 1900-2012 See sample of database and latest updates of database as well as the latest news on twitter above. You can also read about the background and creation of “world chronology”or join the facebook conversation! Any questions? Please contact: worldchronology@hotmail.com |
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Updates(2011- DV=Democracy Value 11827 2012:June Egypt DV:79 br> Democratic presidential elections held, in order to conclude transfer to functioning democracy. Constitutional foundation of president remains unclear, at this point however being strong in accordance with march 2011 constitution 11826 2012:May(June) Venezuela DV:79 President Hugo Chavez entrusts political authority to council under Vice-President, possibly due to ill-health. Thisd coincides however with the termination of Chavez extraordinary authorities given 18 months before. This will normalise Venezuela as a generally democratic state with strong presidency. 11825 2012:May Algeria DV:69 Parliamentarian elections held, clearly improved and somewhat democratic. Governing party FNL retaining plurality.Algeria is by this transferring from semi-authoritarian regime to a limited democracy, coinciding with Bouteflika presidency. 11824 2012:April Guinea-Bissau DV:47? Military junta organises new transitional body with opposition ahead of future restoration of constitutional order. However governing party PAIGC not included. DV 47 is therefore questionable. 11823 2012:April Guinea-Bissau DV:6 Coup d'etat by military captures political leadership and annulls forth- coming elections. However promising to restore constitutional order. 11822 2012:April Malawi DV:79 Following death of president, VP Joyce Banda succeeds. Today representing an opposition party, this opens up for more pluralistic and less party dominated rule. Like Senegal below Banda holds strong and democratic powers alongside parliament (ltd dem) 11821 2012:April Mali DV:81 Military junta restores parliament transfers political powers to speaker of this as President pending fresh elections are to be held. Democratic interim rule 11820 2012:April Burma DV:69 By elections held under generally free conditions. NLD strongly succesful and seat won by Aung San Suu Kyi. This transfers Burma to a limited democracy 11819 2012:March Senegal DV:79 President Wade acknowledges victory of opponent Mackey Sall in democratic presidential elections. Sall will rule alongside a "limited democratisised" parliament. We recognise Senegal as a functioning democracy with strong presidency 11818 2012:March Mali DV:47 Following coup d'etat in march, the military promises and plans to org- anise elections and restoration of constitutional order. This transfers Mali to an interim military rule. 11817 2012:March South Ossetia DV:69 Fresh presidential elections held after previously annulled. Generally free and won by Leonid Tibilov, aftedrwards recognised by opponent. Hereby a generally democratic president shares power with continued semi-authoritarian and one-party dominated parliament. This combined makes South Ossetia a limited democracy. 11816 2012:March Mali DV:6,(-85) Coup d'etat by military overthrows democratic government. Constitution suspended and direct rule of military junta in force. Early statement say democracy is to be restored. (After just reaching a record All-Time average democracy value of 79,03, this coup has downgraded this to 78,53) 11815 2012:March China Check further!! Political leadership outlines political reforms to increase accountability. This may result in a strengthening role of parliament/congress, thereby strengthening accountability and DV(25 to 40). Check further, if and when actually implemented. 11814 2012:March Abkhazia DV:96(+27) Parliamentarian elections held in two rounds. Early results indicate a significant political plurality, a sign of democratic brekthrough Second round will confirm whether Abkhazia will transfer to a functioning democracy. 11813 2012:March Russia DV:41(-15) Clearly unfair presidential elections held where PM Vladimir Putin is elected to a third term as President, succeeding Medvedev. We may suppose this makes presidency once more dominant in russian politics, and due to the increased strength of oppositon in Duma the president takes strong executve and dominant role. Aftermath of election shows tougher force against oppositional protesters, than related to december Duma election. This status is to take effect following installation in may 11812 2012:March Iran DV:48/39 (-1/-10) Parliamentarian elections held without participation of opposition due to restrictions on reformist candidates. How to label Iran following this is somewhat complicted. Already before under a semi-authoritarian rule, the closest status is “De Facto” one-party. Still there are contesting party group mainly related to Ahmadinejad br>and Ayattollah. Although these are conpeting one another, there are no "real" opposition in Iran from this point on. 11811 2012:February Syria DV:9 New ”multiparty” constitution approved in referendum. Opening up to opposition parties, however under restrictions. This status will not be in force before implemented and before the ongoing situation of martial law/emergency status due to crackdown on opposition is ended someway. Under the ongoing situation this emergency situation supersedes any other political development. 11810 2012:February Yemen DV:79 Presidential elections conducted, in order to further implement democratc reforms. However former Vice-President Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi is sole canddate, also promoted by opposition. President will exercse power together with a parliament, considered not fully democratic until fresh elections. This does however mark a sep towards democratic rule in Yemen. 11809 2012:February Maldives DV:81(29,59) Democratically elected President Shaheen resigns, allegedly under gunpoint making this a form of coup d'etat. However political institutions and normality remains as power is transferred to Vice-President according to constitution. Democratic Value determined based on how to consider this development, very much similar to Honduras 2009. 11708 2012:January Kazakhstan DV:46,(+10) One-Party dominated and semi-authoritarian parliamentarian elections. Disputed but oppose to previous parliament opposition will gain institutional representation. 11707 2012:January Finland DV:97,(+1) Constitutional reforms during 2011 reducing presidential authorities are fully imposed as new president takes office. President is hencefrward strongly subordiate politics are partly remained, all activty demands countersignature of PM. Determinaton of political is under further examnation, if made Parlimentarian (ceremonial) Presidency. 11706 2012:January Egypt DV:77,(+13) Parliaentarian elections are concluded. As parliament convens with a plurality and generally democratic conditon, Egypt will eter a new interim status. Thus entering next phase of democratisation to be finalised uon presidential elections 2012 11705 2011 NOTES During 2011 a few countries may be considered for changed political status, without definitive evidence yet. Ukraine and Turkey has been at risk to transfer from functioning to limited democracy. In Africa Burkina Faso and Malawi may be reconsidered a transfer from limited democracy to Semi-Authoritarian rule. 11704 2011: Hungary DV:71,(-27) Uncertain change!! Hungary has introduced several constitutional reforms during recent year and dominating Fidesz government, that has been widely critisised by opposition and EU. This may perhaps (sadly) indicate a transition from functioning democracy to limited democracy. Check this further if really valid. 11703 2011: Inner Mongolia We may suppose that normalisation and lifting of the martial law has taken place at some time after may 2011. 11702 2011:December North Korea DV:25,(-17/-2) Normalisation as Km Jong-Un is installed Supreme Leader. Likely possessing same strong, authori- tarian but not overwhelming powers as his father and predecessor. Balance of power with other institutions is not fully clear. 11701 2011:December Russia* Constitutional reform launched by President Medvedev, actually effecting status of russian republics rather than Russia as a whole. According to these provisions direct election of governors is to be restored. Changed status of republics are 11700 2011:December North Korea DV:27/42,(+2/+17) Death of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Il is announced. In one of the world's worst dictatorships, this will mark an interim status as powers vested in KJI will be transferred to parliament, party or presidium. KJI possessed strong but not over- whelming powers, this marks a decentralisation until current uncertainity is over. 11699 2011:December Transnistria DV:69,(+8) Presidential elections held, resulting in a defeat of longtime, previously authoritarian President Igor Smirnov. These electons may be regardedas generally fair, with two main contenders to combat in second round. However sharing power with parliament (dominted) by Renewal party.Examine further how well oppositon may function and how democratic Transnistra shall be regarded. 11698 2011:December Papua New Guinea DV:88,(-10) Court decision determines a four month long political deadlock by declare sitting PM as in an illegal position. Previous PM Somare is claimant of government until further actions are made. We may at this point declare PNG to be in an interim status 11697 2011:December Côte d'Ivoire DV:58,(-7) Parliamentarian electons held, in order to restore parliament as a functoning institution half a year after Outtaras assumption of power. Sadly opposition parties are boycotting election, which undermines its legitimacy. Since this is a decision by the opposition it is hard to determine the political status/situation by now. 11696 2011:December Russia DV:56,(+18) Duma elections held,clearly disputed and including repressive acts towards opposition. Nevertheless outcome proved to present a significant setback to Unified Russia. With just about 50% of the though democratic criterias are far freom fulfilled, the election is an improvment and in practice Russia may function as a limited democracy however combined with a strong and dominating executive. 11695 2011:November Belgium DV:98,(+10) Following a record long politica deadlock, a coalition is finally concluded resulting in a restored parliam- entarian status 11694 2011:November DR Congo DV:69,(-26) Still uncertain! Presidential and parliamentarian elections held, under possibly slightly disputed conditions. Election campaign dominated by Kabila. Results to be presented Dec 6. Examne this further, it may lead to transition from Actual to Limted democracy 11693 2011:November Egypt DV:64,(+55) Parliamentarian elections held in order to restore instituton of parliament. Since Egypt has a Presidential framework, executive will remain in military council or possible interim government until presidential elections are held, planned for June 2012. Examine further democratic legitimacy of elections, but initial reports predict it as generally free. 11692 2011:November Yemen DV:73,(+27) Interim status taking effect as President Saleh resigns to and fresh elections to be held. 11691 2011:November Tunisia DV:98,(+10) Full transition to democratic rule as a coalition cabinet of Ennahda and secular parties is installed See database to the left for earlier entries. |